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Pacific Crest Trail – 2008
The Pacific Crest Trail travels from Mexico to Canada through California, Oregon, and Washington State. I hiked the trail in 2008 after graduating from my Master’s program but did not keep a good journal.
Because I started late in the hiking season, or at the end of May, I ended up flipping north to the Canadian border from Sierra City. My brother picked me up and hiked up to the terminus, where I continued back south.
This is a great trail if you are looking for scenery on what I consider the least physically demanding trail. Logistically, I consider the AT the easiest of the three Triple Crown trails but the hardest physically. The PCT is harder logistically because towns are further apart and generally further from the trail, so resupplying is more challenging.
I’ll work to update this page with a few of the stories I have, but I only have the one below right now.