Northville Placid Trail – Duck Hole Visit | Average Hiker
Duck Hole shelter provided the perfect trail magic on a wet, cold blustery day!
Duck Hole shelter provided the perfect trail magic on a wet, cold blustery day!
Fall colors were just starting to pop as I camped for the night above Moose Pond on the NPT.
Tirrell Pond was a beautiful location on the NPT and the Fall was popping along the trail!
So, the odd thing about the old trail I set up on last night – the footprints. The trail had clearly not been used in… Read More »Northville-Placid Trail – Long Lake Views | Average Hiker
Summary Resources Difficulty Moderate to Hard – If hiking CCW (counterclockwise) from the parking area, you will reach the only “hard” boulder scramble in the first… Read More »Macedonia Brook Loop Trail | Average Hiker
The Chatfield Trail is a 4.3 miles trail that travels through Cockaponset State Forest and Forster Pond State Park. There are also some private lands,… Read More »Chatfield Trail- Rocky Workout | Average Hiker
The Aspetuck Trail is a 6.9-mile blue blaze trail located in the Aspetuck River Valley in Fairfield County, Connecticut. Before joining Huntington State Park, the… Read More »Aspetuck Trail- Old Connecticut | Average Hiker
The Northville-Placid Trail was a great choice for my Fall hike, and my gear reflected the wet trail conditions.
Gear for the Arizona Trail is not much different than what I use on other three-season hikes. The Arizona Trail is a trail of extremes.… Read More »Arizona Trail Gear
The Gossamer Gear Mariposa 60L Backpack is one of the most comfortable lightweight backpacks in its category.
Peoples State Forest is located in Connecticut in the Farmington River Valley. This forest, combined with the American Legion State Forest, was established in 1923… Read More »People’s State Forest – Fun Hiking! | Average Hiker
This Zpacks Duplex Review is long overdue. This is one of the lightest “ultralight” two-person Dyneema shelters on the market right now and downright ROOMY for a single hiker!
My Benton MacKaye Trail gear had it had its winners and losers. In some cases, I went back to some dependable old gear.
The Hyperlite Junction Backpack is arguably one of the highest quality and most durable backpacks I have used in my 30 years of backpacking.
As a woman backpacking solo for over thirty years, I’ve learned to trust my intuition and instincts. I have some lose “rules” I follow.